User Guide for “Seat Booking” App

Welcome to the user guide for our “Seat Booking” App. Here you can learn how to manage both the backend and frontend of your Reservation section. 

Let’s get right into it!

Backend Aspect/ Admin view

These are all the functions for the admin to use when managing the customers’ reservation.

Create a new layout 

  • Choose “Seat Layout Manager” 
  • Choose “Create new layout”

Name the Layout 

  • Under the “Title” section, you can name your layout 
  • For example: 2nd Floor, Room 204,…

Drag and drop layout for Seat Reservation 

  • Each table/seat will be presented with a circle as below
  • The admin can easily drag and drop the circle into place to represent the seats in real life. 

Add and remove tables

  • You can click “Clear All” to clear all the tables 
  • Click “Reset to Default” to reset the tables to their original place
  • Hit “Add more tables” to add one or more tables

Remove tables

  • Select tables by clicking on it ( users can select multiple tables). Re-click on it to un-select.
  • When selected, the table will have a blue highlight around it 
  • Choose “Delete” to delete these tables 
  • Click “Add type” to add tables of certain types
  • The details on type of product will be explored later

Layout Manager Tree view 

  • Click “Seat Layout Manager” to manage your layout
  • You can delete the old layouts by ticking the checkbox (You can also delete in bulk by clicking multiple boxes) then click “Delete”  
  • Click “Assign Products” to assign new products to the chosen layout 
  • “Browse Products” to find your desired product
  • Tick your products then “Add” 
  • Submit it 

Create new seat type 

  • Name it under the title section, select the color it will appear then click “Save”

Add new time slot 

  • Click “Add new time slot”, you can set start time and end time for the availability of a seat. 
  • Choose “Save” to save your details 

Frontend Aspect/ Customer view

  • Hit the “Booking” button to book your reservation
  • You can choose one or more seats/ tables for your reservation 
  • Then, click “Checkout” to complete your reservation 
  • The website will then direct customers to their carts.
  • For products that have been assigned to map, the website will have the “Booking” button instead of an “Add to cart” or “Buy it now” button
  • The customer chooses “Check out” to complete the purchase. 
  • Customers fill out their information on this form and choose their payment methods.

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