Setting Up Push Notifications with Amazon SNS for Mobile Apps

Push notifications are an integral part of modern mobile applications, allowing you to engage with your users and keep them informed. Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) provides a powerful and flexible solution for sending push notifications to various platforms, including iOS devices like iPhones. In this hands-on guide, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up push notifications using Amazon SNS. Whether you’re building a new app or looking to enhance your existing one, this guide will help you get started.

Step 1: Navigate to the SNS Console

The first step is to log in to your AWS account and navigate to the SNS service in the AWS Management Console. Once you’re in the SNS console, you can start the process of setting up push notifications.

Step 2: Create a Platform Application

To send push notifications, you need to create a platform application. AWS SNS supports various platforms, including Android, iOS, Windows, and Amazon devices. Choose the one that suits your application. For iOS devices like iPhones, select the iOS platform.

  • Application Name: Give your application a name, for example, “Customer Order Application.”
  • Push Notification Platform: Choose the platform you’re targeting. For iOS, it’s common to use Firebase Cloud Messaging (formerly known as Google Cloud Messaging). You’ll need to provide your Google API key, which you can obtain from your developer account.

Step 3: Configure Event Notifications

You can configure event notifications to trigger specific actions when certain events occur, such as user subscriptions, unsubscriptions, or other custom events. This allows you to send follow-up notifications based on user interactions.

Step 4: Set Up Delivery Status Logging

Configure delivery status logging to track the status of push notifications. This helps you monitor the delivery success and failures. Refer to our dedicated video on delivery status logging for a more detailed explanation.

Step 5: Create the Platform Application

Once you’ve filled in the necessary information, click on “Create Platform Application.” Note that you may need to provide a valid API key, but for the purpose of this guide, you can use placeholder information to bypass this step.

Step 6: Create Application Endpoints

Now that you have your platform application set up, you’ll want to create application endpoints for your users. Each user’s device is associated with an endpoint, and you’ll need the device token provided by the device’s SDK.

  • Device Token: Enter the device token, which is unique for each user’s device.
  • User Data (Optional): You can add optional user data to your endpoint, such as user IDs or other relevant information.

Click on “Create Application Endpoint” to complete the setup. You can repeat this step for each user or device that you want to receive push notifications.

Step 7: Sending Push Notifications

With your platform application and endpoints in place, you’re ready to send push notifications. You can publish messages to the entire application, which will be delivered to all endpoints, or publish messages directly to specific endpoints, ensuring that only particular users receive the message.

you can use FCM without SNS, and FCM will work fine in that case. However, there are a few reasons why you might want to use SNS with FCM there are a few reasons why you might want to use SNS with FCM. First, SNS provides a central point for sending notifications, which can be helpful if you have multiple channels or devices that you want to send notifications to. Second, SNS can handle things like throttling and retry logic, which can be helpful in ensuring that your notifications are delivered reliably. Finally, SNS provides analytics and monitoring features that can be helpful for understanding how your notifications are performing.


Amazon SNS simplifies the process of setting up push notifications for mobile applications. Whether you’re building an app that needs real-time updates or seeking to engage your users effectively, this service provides the tools you need to deliver timely notifications. While the setup may seem complex at first, the flexibility and capabilities it offers are invaluable for enhancing the user experience. Start exploring Amazon SNS for push notifications today, and take your mobile app to the next level of user engagement and interactivity.

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