Hands-on:Creating a Lambda function to process Amazon Kinesis data stream and building a WebSocket API in Amazon API Gateway to send real-time updates to connected clients

Step 1: Set Up the Necessary AWS Resources

  1. Create an Amazon Kinesis Data Stream: Set up an Amazon Kinesis Data Stream to ingest, process, and send stock market data.
  2. Create an Amazon API Gateway WebSocket API: Create a WebSocket API in Amazon API Gateway to manage connections and real-time communication with clients.
  3. Create an AWS Lambda Function: Develop a Lambda function to process data from the Kinesis Data Stream and send it to connected WebSocket clients.

Step 2: Configure Lambda Function to Process Kinesis Data

Here is an example of a Lambda function (Python) to process the Kinesis data stream. This function receives data from the Kinesis stream, processes it, and sends it to connected WebSocket clients via the API Gateway:

import json
import boto3
import botocore

# Initialize AWS clients
kinesis_client = boto3.client('kinesis')
apigatewaymanagementapi_client = boto3.client('apigatewaymanagementapi', endpoint_url="YOUR_API_ENDPOINT")

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    for record in event['Records']:
        # Process the data from the Kinesis record
        data = json.loads(record['kinesis']['data'])
        # Send data to connected WebSocket clients

def send_to_websocket_clients(data):
    # Get a list of connected clients from your database or other source
    connected_clients = get_connected_clients()

    # Send data to each connected client
    for connection_id in connected_clients:
        except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
            if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'GoneException':
                # Remove the connection from your list of connected clients
def get_connected_clients():
    # Implement a method to retrieve a list of connected clients
    # This list can be stored in a database or another data store
    return []

def remove_connection(connection_id):
    # Implement a method to remove a disconnected client from your list of connected clients

Step 3: Configure API Gateway WebSocket Integration

  • In your API Gateway WebSocket API, create a WebSocket route that invokes the Lambda function for handling incoming data.
  • Deploy your WebSocket API to a stage to obtain a WebSocket endpoint URL.

Step 4: Connect WebSocket Clients

  • WebSocket clients, such as your web application, need to connect to the WebSocket endpoint.

Step 5: Real-time Data Updates

  • As your Lambda function processes data from the Kinesis stream, it sends real-time updates to connected WebSocket clients using the post_to_connection method.

Ensure you replace "YOUR_API_ENDPOINT" in the Lambda function code with the actual WebSocket API endpoint URL.

The is a mechanism used in the context of AWS WebSocket APIs, which are typically implemented with Amazon API Gateway.

In AWS WebSocket APIs, the @connections command is a special keyword or object that allows you to send messages or data to all connected clients (WebSocket connections) within the API. It’s a way to broadcast messages to all connected clients simultaneously.

Here’s how the @connections command works in the context of AWS WebSocket APIs:

  1. Establish WebSocket Connections: When clients (such as a web application) connect to your WebSocket API, they are assigned a unique connection identifier, often referred to as a “connection ID.”
  2. Processing Messages: Your AWS Lambda function (or a similar mechanism) processes messages or data received from various sources, such as Amazon Kinesis, as described in your scenario.
  3. Using @connections: To send messages to all connected clients, you can use the @connections command within your Lambda function. It allows you to address all the connected clients in a simple way.
  4. Broadcast Messages: When you send a message using @connections, it is broadcasted to all connected clients. This is useful for scenarios where you want to send real-time updates, notifications, or other messages to all clients simultaneously.

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