How to use Shoppable quizzes on Shopify


Are you looking for new ways to engage customers, collect data, and increase sales for your Shopify store? Shoppable quizzes are a powerful tool that can help you achieve all of these things. Are you ready to start using Shoppable quizzes on Shopify?

Shoppable quizzes are interactive quizzes that allow customers to learn about your brand and products in a fun and engaging way. As customers answer questions, they will be shown products that are relevant to their interests and needs.

Operating mechanism

Businesses build quiz questions revolving around products, services or brand-related information. Questions can be in the form of multiple choice, fill in the blanks or images.

When customers participate in the quiz, they will answer the questions and receive results along with suggestions for suitable products. Businesses can collect data about customer preferences and shopping behavior from quiz results to personalize the shopping experience and marketing strategies more effectively.

First, you need to log in to Shopify Partner. In the sidebar on the left, select Apps and search for Shoppable Quiz. The app’s interface will then be displayed.

The admin creates the quiz by selecting the questions and specifying the products or collections of products that the app will recommend to customers upon completing the quiz.

How to create question

There are 2 ways to create questions.

Method 1: Click on “Start Creating Question.”

Method 2 : Set Up a Shoppable Quizz in Question List -> Create Question

First, I will introduce Method 1.

Question Text : Enter your question you want to ask your customer here.

Question Type : You can choose multiple choice, Yes – No questions, … that appropriate your product.

Yes-No question: Questions that can be answered with a yes or no.

Multiple Choice: Questions that offer a set of answer options. (e.g. What is the capital of France? a) Paris b) London c) Berlin)

True/False: Statements where the answer is either true or false

Matching: Questions where items in one list need to be matched to corresponding items in another list.

HTML Description: Function as an advertisement your customer 

Then fill out the mandatory fields. If you want to create multiple choice question, click Add Option button to add more options for the question.

Click Submit when you’re finished.

Then, click on “Shopify Question List View” and “Back to home.”

Medthod 2: Set Up a Shoppable Quizz in Question List -> Create Question

There are two types of quizzes: simple quizzes and branched quizzes.

How to create simple quiz

To create a simple quiz, click the Manage Quizzes button -> create Quiz button at the top right of the screen. Fill in the title of the quiz, click the ‘Browse Questions’ button, and select the questions. Next, click the ‘Browse Products’ button and select the products that the app will recommend to customers after they finish the quiz.

Fill in the title of the quiz, click the ‘Browse Questions’ button, and select the questions.

Next, click the ‘Browse Products’ button and select the products that the app will recommend to customers after they finish the quiz.

This is a crucial part because product recommendations that align with customer needs can significantly boost purchasing motivation.

How to create Branched quizzes

Click the ‘Create Branched Quizzes’ button. If you do not want to link a gate to a question because it is the last question of the quiz, click the ‘End’ button in the popup. A popup will appear, allowing the admin to choose a collection that will be shown when the customer completes the quiz.

Then, click the blue circle of the ‘Start Node’ button. A popup will appear, allowing the admin to select a question. Each gate represents a question. Click the blue circle button of a gate to link it to a question.

 When a customer’s next question depends on their current answer, you can create a branch quiz. Select the yellow circle of an option and click the ‘Connect to Gate’ button.

 If it is a choice question, the app will display the options on the diagram. 

Each gate represents a question. Click the blue circle button of a gate to link it to a question.

If you do not want to link a gate to a question because it is the last question of the quiz, click the ‘End’ button in the popup. A popup will appear, allowing the admin to choose a collection that will be shown when the customer completes the quiz.

To allow customers to access the quiz, click the ‘Settings’ button and select the active quiz from the list of existing quizzes in your store.

Then, add the URL in the format ‘’ to a menu or button on your store. When customers click on it, they can take the quiz. Recommended products will be displayed after the quiz is completed.

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