What is AWS Device Farm? A Comprehensive Guide to AWS Device Farm: Hands-On Demo

we’ll embark on an exciting journey into the world of AWS Device Farm. AWS Device Farm is a powerful cloud-based testing service that allows you to test your web and mobile applications on a variety of real devices. In this hands-on demo, we’ll provide you with a quick introduction to AWS Device Farm and walk you through the process of creating and running a mobile device project.

Getting Started with AWS Device Farm

To get started, you need to log into the AWS Management Console. Once you’re logged in, navigate to AWS Device Farm. You can find AWS Device Farm under “Front-End & Mobile Applications” in the AWS Console.

Creating a Mobile Device Project

  1. Click on “Device Farm” to enter the AWS Device Farm dashboard.
  2. In this demo, we’ll focus on creating a mobile device project. Click on the “Mobile Device Project” checkbox.
  3. Enter a project name. For example, you can name it “AWS Device Farm Demo.”
  4. Click on “Create Project” to proceed.

Creating a New Test Run

Now that we’ve created our project, let’s set up a test run:

  1. Click on “Create a New Run.”

Uploading Your App

  1. Select “Choose or test a native application on Android or iOS.”
  2. Upload your app file. Click on “Upload” and choose the application file you want to test. For this demo, we’ll use a file named “mixer_rev_0.92.apk.”
  3. Once the application is uploaded, you’ll see details such as the version code and version name. Click on “Next Step” to continue.

Configuring Your Test

  1. Now, you’ll configure your test. You can select the type of test you want to run, such as APM Java, APM Python, or APM Ruby. For this demo, let’s start with the “Built-In” test.
  2. You can keep the default settings for event count and total as-is. Advanced configurations like enabling video recording and performance data capture are optional. We’ll enable both for this demo.
  3. Click on “Next Step” to proceed.

Selecting a Device Pool

  1. In this step, you’ll select a device pool for your test run. You can also create a new device pool. Let’s create one by naming it “Samsung Device Pool” and selecting a device, such as “Samsung S7.”
  2. Save the device pool.
  3. Choose the device or devices you want to run your test on. For this demo, we’ll select one device.
  4. Click on “Next Step” to continue.

Device Configuration

  1. Here, you can specify device state, device location, host machine, and more. For this demo, we’ll keep the settings at their defaults.
  2. Click on “Next Step.”

Review and Start Your Run

  1. In the final step, review your selections and settings. You can adjust timer values if needed.
  2. Once you’ve confirmed your choices, click on “Confirm and Start Run.”

Running the Test

Now, your test will start running on the selected device(s). You’ll be able to monitor the progress of the test run. Once it’s completed, you’ll see a green checkmark indicating success.

Reviewing Test Results

To review the test results:

  1. Click on the specific run details.
  2. Check whether your test cases have passed or failed.
  3. Access logs, performance data (CPU utilization, memory, threads), and screenshots associated with the run.
  4. View the run video to get a visual representation of the test.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully created and run a mobile device project in AWS Device Farm. This hands-on demo has introduced you to the basics of AWS Device Farm and demonstrated how to set up and execute a test run on real devices.

AWS Device Farm is a valuable tool for ensuring the quality and reliability of your web and mobile applications across various devices and platforms. Incorporating it into your development and testing workflows can significantly enhance your testing capabilities.

We hope you found this demo helpful. Happy testing, and thank you for joining us!

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