Understanding AWS VPC Packet Routing: From Internet to Destination

Introduction: Understanding how packets flow from the internet to a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) through a route table in Amazon Web Services (AWS) VPC is essential for anyone working with cloud networking. This article breaks down this process into a series of steps to provide a comprehensive overview.

Step 1: Arrival at the Internet Gateway When a packet from the internet arrives at your VPC, it first reaches the internet gateway. AWS’s internet gateway is a robust, managed service designed to establish connectivity between your VPC and the internet.

Step 2: Internet Gateway’s Route Table Lookup Each internet gateway in AWS VPC is associated with a route table. This route table is pivotal in determining how traffic is directed between the internet gateway and the VPC.

Step 3: Route Table Analysis The route table contains a collection of routes, each defined by a destination IP address range and a next hop. This “next hop” can be a different VPC subnet, a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway, or a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection.

The route table thoroughly evaluates the destination IP address of the incoming packet against its defined routes. If a match is found, the packet is forwarded to the next hop specified in that route.

Step 4: Packet Routing Through the VPC The packet’s journey within the VPC depends on the nature of the next hop:

  • If the next hop points to another VPC subnet, the packet follows the routing tables associated with the subnets. It is directed to the appropriate destination subnet.
  • If the next hop designates a NAT gateway, the packet undergoes translation to acquire a public IP address. Afterward, it is routed to the internet.
  • In cases where the next hop is a VPN connection, the packet is encrypted before being directed over the VPN connection to its final destination.

Example Scenario:

Destination	Target	Gateway	Internet gateway	local	Local	NAT gateway	VPC peering connection

This route table has four routes. The first route matches all traffic destined outside the VPC. The next hop for this route is the internet gateway.

The second route matches all traffic destined within the VPC. The next hop for this route is local, which means that the traffic will be routed to the subnet where the packet originated.

The third route matches traffic destined to the subnet The next hop for this route is the NAT gateway.

The fourth route matches traffic destined to the subnet The next hop for this route is the VPC peering connection.


Suppose a packet from the internet arrives at your VPC with a destination IP address of The internet gateway will first look up the route table associated with it. The route table will match the destination IP address of the packet against its routes. Since the route table has a route that matches traffic destined to the subnet, it will forward the packet to the next hop in the route, which is the VPC peering connection.

The VPC peering connection will then route the packet to the subnet

Complex route tables can also be used to implement more advanced routing scenarios, such as:

  • Load balancing: You can use multiple routes to the same destination to distribute traffic across multiple instances.
  • High availability: You can use multiple routes to different destinations to ensure that traffic can still flow even if one destination is unavailable.
  • Security: You can use route tables to restrict access to certain resources in your VPC.


Route tables in AWS VPC are a powerful tool that allow you to control how traffic is routed between your VPC and the internet. By carefully configuring your route tables, you can improve the performance, security, and reliability of your VPC network.

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