Streamlining Migration Discovery with AWS Migration Hub: A Comprehensive Guide

Migrating your server data to the cloud is a transformative step that can elevate your business’s scalability, flexibility, and efficiency. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers an array of tools and services to facilitate this process, and one key component in this journey is the AWS Migration Hub. In this informative guide, we will delve into the intricacies of getting migration discovery data into AWS Migration Hub, highlighting the available options and their functionalities.

Understanding AWS Migration Hub

Before we dive into the methods of importing migration discovery data, let’s establish a clear understanding of AWS Migration Hub. This service acts as a central command center for your migration endeavors, allowing you to discover existing servers, plan migrations, and track the progress of migration projects all in one place. It streamlines the often complex process of migrating on-premises server data to the AWS cloud.

Importing Data into AWS Migration Hub

  1. Importing from Existing Sources: AWS Migration Hub offers flexibility in how you import data. If you’ve already conducted a migration discovery or if you have a comprehensive Configuration Management Database (CMDB), you can easily import this data using the provided template file. This method is particularly useful if you have a structured dataset of server information.
  2. AWS Discovery Connector: For VMware users, the AWS Discovery Connector is a valuable tool. This connector is a VMware appliance designed to gather information about VMware virtual machines (VMs). After deploying and configuring the connector, it collects data about VMs within your VMware cluster or server. The connector’s status can be monitored, and data collection can be initiated or halted as needed.
  3. AWS Discovery Agent: For a more comprehensive approach, AWS provides the option of installing the AWS Application Discovery Agent on both virtual machines (VMs) and physical servers. This agent facilitates deeper data collection over an extended period compared to agentless methods. It not only captures server utilization information but also extracts network connection details and process information, crucial for migration planning.

Selecting the Right Approach

Each method of importing migration discovery data into AWS Migration Hub has its merits. The choice depends on the complexity of your infrastructure and your specific requirements. Here’s a quick rundown of their key features:

  • Importing Data from Existing Sources: This is suitable if you already have well-structured data in a CMDB or a similar source.
  • AWS Discovery Connector: Ideal for VMware users, offering efficient data collection from virtualized systems.
  • AWS Discovery Agent: Provides in-depth server utilization and process information, ideal for intricate migration planning.

Organizing and Viewing Data

Once the data is imported into AWS Migration Hub, it’s crucial to manage and visualize it effectively. AWS Migration Hub simplifies this process:

  • Applications Screen: Servers can be grouped into applications, making it easier to manage related resources collectively.
  • Server Screen: Here, you can view collected migration data for individual servers. The “source” column indicates the collection method used for each server

Step-by-Step Migration Process

1. Providing Detailed Server Information:

  • AWS Migration Hub begins with a comprehensive overview of each server you intend to migrate. you can click and help and support on left sidebar menu It will shows you the recommended workflow the discovery tools Click on tools menu You can download Discovery agent for Linux, Window… I am going to download Linux CLI Discovery Agent After installing AWS discovery agent Linux CLI
  • You can drill down into specific servers to access more detailed information about them .
  • Utilization data is prominently displayed, aiding in effective migration planning.

2. Grouping Servers as Applications:

  • Grouping servers into applications is the recommended approach for managing migrations.
  • You can select multiple servers, then group them under a single application for streamlined tracking. it shows options
  • By providing an application name, you can monitor the collective status of servers within that application. You can select an application, then click on “Change status” button From here , you can change the migration status

3. Managing Data Collectors:

  • The Data Collectors screen allows you to manage the health and status of connectors and agents. Click on agent tab , then select the item. Then user can stop or start by hitting the button
  • Connectors and agents provide the essential server data needed to support migrations.
  • You can monitor the status of installed agents and control data collection.

4. Analyzing Collected Data:

  • Data collected during the discovery phase is stored in AWS Migration Hub and can be accessed in your AWS account.
  • You can opt to store agent-collected data in Amazon S3 for analysis using Amazon Athena .
  • Amazon Athena provides a fee-based service to analyze data using SQL queries.

5. Generating EC2 Instance Recommendations:

  • The Assess step of migration involves generating EC2 instance recommendations for discovered servers.
  • You can use the EC2 Instance Recommendations tool to obtain data-driven right-sized instance suggestions.
  • Specify CPU and RAM sizing criteria, and the tool will suggest appropriate EC2 instances. Then you can see the recommended EC2 in exported sheet

6. Executing the Application Migration:

  • The Migration step involves executing the actual application migration.
  • The main screen in this step displays the migration status of managed applications.
  • Tools like AWS Server Migration Service, CloudEndure Migration, and partner solutions assist in the migration process.

7. Tracking Migration Progress:

  • The Migration Updates screen provides consolidated updates from supported migration tools.
  • The Application screen offers an opportunity to update the migration status of applications.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the different methods of importing migration discovery data into AWS Migration Hub. From importing data from existing sources to utilizing AWS Discovery Connectors and Agents, AWS provides a range of tools to suit various migration scenarios. As you embark on your migration journey, remember that AWS Migration Hub serves as your ally, centralizing data, planning, and tracking for seamless migration to the cloud. With these insights in mind, you’re now equipped to leverage the power of AWS Migration Hub effectively. Happy migrating!

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