Running Batch Workloads with AWS Batch: A Step-by-Step Guide

In the world of cloud computing, efficient execution of batch workloads is crucial for many businesses and applications. AWS Batch, a powerful service provided by Amazon Web Services, streamlines the process of running batch computing tasks on the cloud. In this guide, we’ll walk you through a hands-on demo of using AWS Batch to execute a sample batch job.


Before we dive into the demonstration, make sure you have the following:

  1. An AWS account.
  2. Docker installed on your local machine.
  3. Basic familiarity with AWS services and concepts.

Setting Up the Docker Image

To get started, head over to the demo’s GitHub repository: Here, you’ll find the necessary Dockerfile and the Python script.

  1. Review the Script: The provided Python script is designed to populate data into a DynamoDB table named test_table. Ensure that you have this table created before proceeding.
  2. Build and Push Docker Image: Use the Dockerfile to create a Docker image. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory containing the Dockerfile and script. Run the following command to build the image:bashCopy codedocker build -t aws-batch-demo . Once the image is built, push it to your Docker Hub account:bashCopy codedocker login # Authenticate with your Docker Hub account docker push <your-dockerhub-username>/aws-batch-demo

Using AWS Batch

  1. Create Compute Environment: Log in to your AWS Console, navigate to AWS Batch, and click “Get Started”. Skip the wizard and start by creating a compute environment. Provide a name, select “Create New Role” for both service and instance roles, set desired and maximum vCPUs, and associate a VPC.
  2. Create Job Queue: After creating the compute environment, proceed to create a job queue. Specify a name, priority, and choose the compute environment you just created.
  3. Create Job Definition: Now, create a job definition. Define a name and select “Create New Role” for the job role. For the container image, use the one you pushed to Docker Hub earlier. Provide necessary resource configurations and the command to run the Python script.
  4. Submit a Job: Finally, submit a job using the job definition you just created. Set the command, virtual CPUs, memory, etc. Once submitted, the job will move through different states: pending, runnable, starting, running, and finally, either failed or succeeded.


AWS Batch offers a streamlined way to manage and execute batch computing workloads in the cloud. By containerizing your jobs and leveraging the capabilities of AWS Batch, you can ensure efficient and scalable processing of your batch tasks.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ve successfully learned how to set up a Docker image, create a compute environment, define job queues and job definitions, and submit batch jobs using AWS Batch. This knowledge can be adapted to various use cases, helping you harness the power of cloud computing for your batch workloads. Remember to explore AWS Batch’s advanced features and integrate it with other AWS services to enhance your batch processing capabilities.

For the complete source code and more detailed instructions, refer to the GitHub repository. Happy batch processing on AWS!

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