Polishing Your API Gateway Endpoint with a Custom Domain

In the world of software development, setting up an API Gateway is a common practice. However, many developers often encounter the issue of having a not-so-professional-looking API Gateway endpoint. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the steps to turn your API Gateway endpoint from something unwieldy into a polished and professional address.

Step 1: Preparations

Before we start, you’ll need to make sure you have the following in place:

  • Your own registered domain (e.g., aws-simplified.io).
  • Access to AWS services, including Amazon Route 53, AWS Certificate Manager, and AWS API Gateway.
  • Basic knowledge of how to create AWS resources.

Step 2: Creating a Custom Domain

2.1 Accessing API Gateway

Begin by navigating to API Gateway in your AWS Console. You can find it by clicking on “API Gateway” on the left-hand menu.

2.2 Creating a Custom Domain Name

Click on “Custom Domain Names,” and then click “Create” to start setting up your custom domain name. Here, you’ll need to specify your registered domain name, like “aws-simplified.io,” and choose a prefix, such as “myapis” to make it more professional.

2.3 Endpoint Configuration

Next, select “Regional” for endpoint configuration. This is suitable for most use cases.

2.4 ACM Certificate

Now, you’ll need to select an ACM certificate. ACM (Amazon Certificate Manager) allows you to create certificates for secure connections. If you don’t have one, you can create a new certificate within ACM for your domain.

Step 3: DNS Validation

3.1 Validating Ownership

Once you’ve requested a certificate in ACM, you’ll need to validate your ownership of the domain. ACM will provide a CNAME record that you need to add to your DNS settings in Route 53.

3.2 Adding a CNAME Record

Access Route 53 from your AWS Console, select your hosted zone (your domain), and add the CNAME record provided by ACM. This step confirms your ownership of the domain.

Step 4: Configure API Gateway

4.1 Creating API Mappings

Go back to API Gateway in your AWS Console, and under “Custom Domain Names,” click on your newly created custom domain. Then, click on “API Mappings” and add a new mapping. Map your desired API stage (e.g., “dev”) to your custom domain.

Step 5: DNS Settings

5.1 Creating a DNS Record

In Route 53, create a routing policy with simple routing. Set the name to your chosen prefix (e.g., “myapis”), the type to “A,” and select your AWS region. For the endpoint, use “API Gateway” and select the appropriate value from the auto-suggested list (e.g., “d1234567890.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com”).

5.2 Testing DNS Resolution

After saving your DNS record, give it a few minutes for DNS propagation. You can use online DNS checker tools to verify that your DNS is resolving correctly.

Step 6: Testing Your New Endpoint

Open a web browser and enter your custom domain (e.g., “myapis.aws-simplified.io”). Add any desired paths (e.g., “/customers”). If everything is set up correctly, your API Gateway endpoint will now look polished and professional.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully transformed your API Gateway endpoint into a more professional-looking address by configuring a custom domain and optimizing DNS settings. This improved presentation can enhance your project’s overall appearance and user experience. Now, your API is ready to impress users and clients alike with its clean and professional URL.

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