Navigating AWS Developer Tools: Overview, Hands-On, and Cleanup

Navigating the plethora of AWS developer tools can be overwhelming. But fear not, as I’m here to provide you with a quick overview and a hands-on experience to demystify the process. In this article, we’ll break down the tools, tie them to the software development process, and then delve into a hands-on example to demonstrate their power.

AWS Developer Tools Overview

Source: Cloud9 IDE

  • Cloud9 offers a browser-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
  • It allows you to write code from anywhere with internet access.
  • You can also use other tools like IntelliJ or Visual Studio Code, but Cloud9 is AWS’s own IDE.

Version Control: CodeCommit

  • CodeCommit is AWS’s private repository for version control, powered by Git.
  • It stores your code, tracks changes, and enables rollbacks.
  • Provides a history of changes and contributors.

Build and Test: CodeBuild

  • CodeBuild compiles code and runs tests to ensure functionality.
  • It is pay-as-you-go and cost-effective compared to self-hosted solutions.

Deployment: CodeDeploy and CloudFormation

  • CodeDeploy pushes code to EC2 instances or on-premises servers.
  • CloudFormation deploys resources and is suitable for more complex deployments.
  • Note that servers must be provisioned ahead of time.

Orchestration: CodePipeline

  • CodePipeline automates the workflow from source to deployment.
  • Visualizes the entire process and enables seamless automation.

Introducing AWS CodeStar

  • CodeStar serves as a unified interface that simplifies the setup of these developer tools.
  • It automates the creation and orchestration of services, streamlining the workflow.

Hands-On with AWS Developer Tools

Setting Up a CodeStar Project

  1. Begin by visiting the AWS console and searching for “developer tools.”
  2. Create a new AWS CodeStar project.
  3. Choose a project template, such as “Python and Lambda.”
  4. Provide a project name and set up a new CodeCommit repository.
  5. Let AWS CodeStar do the heavy lifting of setting up the underlying services. Click on View Application and View Commits buttons to explore. On Project view, you can click on tab : Overview, IDE, Repository , Pipeline,Monitoring,Issues

Exploring Cloud9 IDE

  • Open the Cloud9 IDE from your project’s environment.
  • Write, edit, and save your code directly in the browser-based IDE.

Committing Changes with CodeCommit

  1. Make a code change in the Cloud9 IDE.
  2. Stage your changes and commit them to the CodeCommit repository.

Following the Pipeline with CodePipeline

  • Observe how CodePipeline automates the workflow as it compiles, tests, and deploys your changes.
  • Visualize each step of the pipeline and track the progress.

Seeing the Result

  • Access the deployed application to witness the changes you made.
  • Marvel at the streamlined process from code to deployment.

Cleanup – Important!

  • To prevent lingering resources, delete your project and associated resources in CodeStar.
  • Also, delete the Cloud9 environment you set up.
  • By cleaning up, you ensure you’re only paying for what you use.


AWS Developer Tools offer a powerful suite of services to streamline your software development lifecycle. From source control to deployment, these tools work harmoniously to automate and simplify your workflow. And with AWS CodeStar, setting up and managing these tools becomes a breeze.

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