Mastering Failover Routing in AWS: A Step-by-Step Guide with Hands-On Demonstration

we’re diving deep into the failover routing concept. I’ll walk you through the entire process with a hands-on demonstration on the AWS platform. By the end of this video, you’ll be well-equipped to set up your own failover routing infrastructure. So, let’s get started!

Understanding Failover Routing

Failover routing is a pivotal concept in building a robust and resilient infrastructure. It revolves around creating an active-passive setup where one site serves as the active site while the other is on standby, ready for disaster recovery scenarios. AWS Route 53 monitors the health of the primary site using health checks to ensure seamless transitions.

Demonstration Setup

In this demonstration, we’ll set up failover routing between two regions: Singapore and Sydney. We’ll have active instances in both regions, and Route 53 will intelligently route traffic based on health checks.

Step-by-Step Demonstration

  1. Launching Instances:
    • Launch Ubuntu instances in both the Singapore and Sydney regions.
    • Configure the instances to host an Apache web server.
  2. Setting Up Load Balancers:
    • Create Application Load Balancers for both regions.
    • Configure target groups and register instances.
    • Ensure instances are reachable via Load Balancer DNS.
  3. Creating Health Checks:
    • Set up health checks for instances in both regions.
    • Route 53 will monitor these health checks to determine the routing.
  4. Creating Hosted Zones:
    • Create public hosted zones in Route 53.
    • Update DNS records with the Route 53-generated NS values.
  5. Setting Up Failover Routing Records:
    • Create failover records for each region in the hosted zone.
    • Configure primary and secondary regions based on the routing policy.
  6. Testing Failover:
    • Temporarily stop instances in the primary region (Singapore).
    • Observe how Route 53 reroutes traffic to the secondary region (Sydney).
    • Once instances are healthy again, traffic is rerouted back to the primary region.

Key Takeaways

  • Failover routing creates a fail-safe mechanism for your infrastructure.
  • Route 53 intelligently routes traffic based on health checks.
  • The failover record type defines primary and secondary regions.
  • Health checks introduce a delay before routing changes take effect.
  • Failover is a crucial strategy for disaster recovery.


Failover routing is a critical component of building highly available and resilient systems. This hands-on demonstration showcased how to implement failover routing using AWS resources like Load Balancers and Route 53. By understanding the steps and observing the real-time routing changes, you’re well-prepared to design and deploy similar setups for your applications, ensuring they remain available and responsive even in adverse conditions.

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