Managing Docker: How to Check, Stop, and Start the Docker Daemon

Welcome back to another practical Docker demonstration. In this short video, we’ll learn how to check the status of the Docker Daemon, stop it, and then start it again. Understanding how to control the Docker Daemon is essential for effective Docker management, so let’s dive right in.

Checking Docker Daemon Status

To check the status of the Docker Daemon, we use the systemctl command on systems that use systemd. Here’s the command:

sudo systemctl status docker

When you execute this command, you’ll receive information about the Docker Daemon’s status. It will indicate whether it’s currently active and since when it has been running. For instance, you might see that it has been running for 1 minute and 3 seconds. This information lets you know that the Docker Daemon is up and running, allowing you to use Docker commands successfully.

Stopping the Docker Daemon

Now, let’s explore how to stop the Docker Daemon. This is handy if you need to perform maintenance tasks or want to temporarily halt Docker-related operations. Before stopping the Docker Daemon, you can verify its status as previously shown.

To stop the Docker Daemon, you’ll need two commands. The first one is:

sudo systemctl stop docker

However, you might receive a message indicating that the Docker Daemon is still activated by docker.socket. To fully stop the Docker Daemon, you must use the following command:

sudo systemctl stop docker.socket

Once you’ve executed both commands, the Docker Daemon is completely shut down, and its status changes to “inactive” when you check its status. This means it’s no longer responding to Docker commands.

Starting the Docker Daemon

When you’re ready to resume Docker operations, you’ll need to start the Docker Daemon. You can achieve this by running the following command:

sudo systemctl start docker

The Docker Daemon will be reactivated, and you should see it running when you check its status. Now you can use Docker commands as usual, and your containers will be operational once again.

It’s important to understand how to manage the Docker Daemon as it plays a crucial role in Docker’s functionality. By checking its status, stopping, and starting it when needed, you gain control over your Docker environment, making it easier to maintain and troubleshoot issues.

That’s all for this practical demonstration on Docker Daemon management. Keep these commands handy to effectively manage your Docker containers and environments. [Outro Music]

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