How to submit magento 2 extension on market place 2023

Unlock the secrets to launching your Magento 2 extension on the marketplace in 2023. Follow our expert guide for a seamless submission process!


With the launch of the Magento Marketplace, Magento users now have a dependable hub for e-commerce extensions. Over time, it has made significant strides in design and coding standards, ensuring a trustworthy platform for the latest Magento extensions.

Managed by Adobe, this trustworthy platform welcomes skilled Magento developers to profit from their distinctive extensions, providing a prime opportunity to earn substantial revenue via the Magento Marketplace.

Adobe generously shares 85% of the total revenue from sales on the Magento Marketplace with its sellers. 

Although the process of listing a Magento extension can be complex for beginners, our complete guide is designed to aid Magento developers in successfully submitting their extensions to the thriving marketplace.

Magento Marketplace Extension Review Process

Every extension uploaded to the Magento Marketplace must undergo a rigorous submission process to ensure compliance with specific coding and operational standards.

Compliance with the Extension Quality Program (EQP), including evaluation by Magento experts, adherence to development guidelines, and compatibility checks, is essential for your extensions to meet Marketplace criteria.

The submission process adheres to a four-step guideline:

  • Step 1: Develop your extensions to meet specific coding and operational standards.
  • Step 2: Submit your extensions for review by the Magento Marketing and Technical teams.
  • Step 3: Once your extensions pass both reviews, they will be listed on the Marketplace.
  • Step 4: Expect payment after a 3-month waiting period.

Following each step diligently is vital for a smooth submission process. Once your extension is submitted, it enters a queue, and you’ll receive submission emails in your inbox accordingly. Tracking the progress and status of your submission is conveniently achievable through your Magento Marketplace account.

Preparing Before Submitting an Extension to Magento Marketplace

Prepare a seller profile on Magento before submitting your extension to the marketplace, ensuring all necessary items for submission are readily available. Below, you’ll find a checklist outlining the details needed for your extension submission.

Technical Side:

  • Extension Code Package (Max 30 MB ZIP File)
  • User Guide / Installation Manual (Max 5 MB PDF File)
  • Release Notes
  • Product License Information
  • Magento Version Compatibility
  • Extension Version

Marketing Side:

  • Product Icon
  • Title
  • Long Description
  • Video Links (Optional)
  • Version Compatibility Information
  • Price Information

Make sure you’ve gathered all the necessary items before initiating the extension submission in the Magento marketplace. You can read more about this list at Adobe Commerce DevDocs.

How to submit magento 2 extension on market place 2023 (Step-by-step)

Once you’ve prepared all the necessary items, it’s time to kick off the exciting process: submitting your extension to the Magento marketplace! The submission comprises five steps, involving:

  • Step 1: Develop a New Extension 
  • Step 2: Present a New Version 
  • Step 3: Technical Submission 
  • Step 4: Marketing Submission 
  • Step 5: Review the Outcomes

Discover the detailed breakdown of the extension submission process to the Magento marketplace below!

Step 1: Develop a New Extension

Sign in to your Magento marketplace account and click on the extensions tab. You’ll see a comprehensive list of your extensions displayed on the Magento marketplace, including key details like platform, version count, the most recent version, and more.

Magento Extensions - Marketplace

Head to the Extensions page and select the “Create a New Extension” button positioned above the extensions table. This opens the “Create New Extension” popup, allowing you to input essential details about your Magento extension.

Create a New Extension - Magento Marketplace
  • Extension Title: Input a title for the extension.
  • Adobe Commerce Platform Version: Choose the Adobe Commerce version that is compatible with the extension.
  • How would you like to sell your Product: Set the pricing model for your extension.
  • Does this extension enable an integration with a non-Adobe Commerce service?: Choose ‘Yes’ if the extension supports third-party integration.

After filling in all the fields, click the ‘Save and Continue’ button to move on to the next step in the extension submission process for the Magento marketplace.

Step 2: Present a New Version 

In the next phase, if you’re introducing a new version of the extension, click on the “Submit a New Version” button. This action will trigger a popup, enabling you to provide further details about the extension.

Submit a New Extension to Magento Marketplace
  • Adobe Commerce Version Number: Enter the extension version, typically set as 1.0.0 for a new release by default.
  • Request Launch Date: You have the option to request a specific launch date or decide to launch the extension upon approval.

Next, hit the ‘Continue’ button to progress with the technical and marketing submission of the extension!

Step 3: Technical Submission

After crafting the Magento extension and providing the fundamental information, it’s now the thrilling phase to submit technical specifics about your Magento extension. Move to the technical submission section and input the necessary details about the Magento extension.

Submit Magento Extension to Marketplace - Technical Submission
  • Extension Code Package: Upload the extension’s code package in ZIP format, ensuring it doesn’t exceed the maximum file size of 30 MB.
  • Marketplace Version Number: Check to confirm that the extension version number matches the one in your package before moving on to the next step.
  • Adobe Commerce Version Compatibility: Choose all compatible versions of Magento Open Source and Adobe Commerce.
  • Page Builder Compatibility: Select the relevant page builder compatibilities.
  • Licensing: Pick the license type for your extension or input a custom license URL in the following field.
  • Documentation and Resources: Attach the User Guide, Reference Manual, or Installation Guide for the extension. (At least 1 document required)
  • Shared Packages (Optional): Choose the shared packages utilized by the extension.
  • Release Notes: Provide release notes for the extension you’re launching. If it’s a fresh release, type “Initial Release.

Once you’ve filled in all the necessary technical submission details, review them thoroughly to ensure accuracy, and then proceed by clicking the “Submit” button.

Step 4: Marketing Submission

Throughout the Magento Marketing Review, your extension’s content is assessed to ensure it aligns with Magento Marketplace’s criteria regarding branding, content, and presentation.

Within the Marketing submission section, there are seven crucial areas that require completion:

a. Extension Description:

In the Extension description section, make sure to include the extension name, a brief description, and a detailed overview.

  • Extension Title: The extension name should be brief, consisting of no more than 5 words. 
  • Long description: Outline the features and functionality within a character limit of 25,989.
  • Extension Category (Main Category): Select the extension category you want to list your extension under in the Magento marketplace.

b. Images and videos:

After completing the description section, head to the “Images and Videos” on the left to attach media files for your extension.

  • Extension Icon: Upload an icon for your extension in JPG, PNG, or JPEG format, sized at 240 x 240 pixels.
  • Extension Images: Provide a minimum of two descriptive images or screenshots for your extension.
  • Video Links: If available, share optional YouTube URLs for product tours, installation guides, or testimonials related to your extension.

After uploading the icon, images, and adding the video URL, don’t forget to hit the “Save Section” button located at the page’s bottom.

c. Compatibility:

Click on “Compatibility” on the left panel, choose the appropriate Adobe Commerce version and browsers. Save the section and proceed to the next step in the submission.

Magento Marketplace Extension Submission

d. Pricing information:

You have the option to establish pricing for your extensions and installation services in U.S. currency. The price range can vary from $25.00 to $999,999.00. Magento suggests pricing at $99 for Open Source and $199 for Commerce extensions.

e. Extension Support (Optional):

You have the option to offer three tiers of support for each product. Fill in the details to enable easy customer contact for support needs!

Extension support

f. Additional Details:

Choose between Beta Build or Stable Build for your extension version within the Stability setting. Select various other options relevant to your extension at this stage.

Additional Details

After finishing, expect feedback from the Magento team. Address any issues, errors, or modifications before submitting the extension for review.

g. Documentation and resources:

In the final phase of the marketing submission, head to Documentation and Resources. Attach at least one document from the User Guide, Reference Manual, or Installation Guide in PDF format, ensuring the file size does not exceed 5 MB.

Documentation and Resources

Attach the resources and hit the “Save Section” button located at the page’s bottom. 

Once all sections in the marketing part are completed, click “Preview” to review all details for accuracy. Finally, click “Submit” to officially submit the extension for marketing review.

Step 5: Review the Outcomes

Upon finishing the technical and marketing submission for the extension, you can access the test reports in the Review Results section. This section provides comprehensive details about various tests, their results, and allows you to download their reports.

If your extension encounters any test failure, you can make the required adjustments and resubmit it.

Magento Marketplace Review Results

Upon successfully clearing all marketing and technical tests, your extension will be featured on the Magento marketplace. This opens up an opportunity for an added revenue stream by showcasing your Magento extension on this esteemed and widely recognized Marketplace. 

You can further evaluate your product’s performance via the Reports > Analytics section within the Marketplace Developer portal.

Common reasons for rejection

Developers often encounter challenges in the Extension Description section, which might result in rejection during the Magento Marketing Review. This area requires meticulous attention as it tends to be the common source of errors and issues.

Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  • Avoid using decorative fonts or colors, except for headings.
  • Refrain from including product instructions in the long description.
  • Use direct links instead of hyperlinked URLs.
  • Use phrases like “This extension for Magento” or “Newsletter Subscription extension for Magento 2” rather than specific product references like “This Magento extension” or “Magento 2 Newsletter Subscription extension.”
  • Ensure correct capitalization, such as capitalizing the “M” in “Magento.”
  • Proofreading your work can help you steer clear of these mistakes.


In wrapping up our guide on submitting Magento 2 extensions to the marketplace in 2023, remember that precision in each step is key to success. Upholding quality standards, attention to detail, and compliance with guidelines are fundamental for a thriving extension. 

Ready to launch your Magento creation to a broader audience? Start your journey by submitting your extension today and let your innovation shine in the vibrant marketplace!

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