Getting Started with Amazon Redshift: Analyzing Data Using Query Editor Version 2

Welcome to this guide on getting started with Amazon Redshift and using Query Editor Version 2 to analyze data. I’m Harshita Patel, a Principal Analytics Specialist Solution Architect at AWS, and in this demo, we’ll walk through the process of creating an Amazon Redshift data warehouse and using the powerful Query Editor Version 2 to analyze the provided tickets data.


Amazon Redshift is a fully managed data warehouse service that allows you to analyze large datasets quickly and efficiently. Query Editor Version 2 enhances your data analysis experience by providing an intuitive interface for querying, visualizing, and exploring your data within Redshift.

Launching an Amazon Redshift Cluster

  1. Log in to your AWS account.
  2. Click on “Get Started with Redshift.”

This will take you to the Amazon Redshift landing page in the AWS Management Console. You have the option to either create a serverless endpoint or a provisioned cluster. For this demo, let’s create a provisioned cluster.

  1. Click on “Create Cluster.”
  2. Provide a cluster identifier (e.g., “redshift-cluster-demo”).
  3. Choose between a free trial or a production cluster (customize instance types as needed).
  4. Click on “Load sample data” to load the provided tickets data.
  5. Choose the default IAM role or provide your own.
  6. Optionally customize VPC settings.
  7. Create the cluster.

Once the cluster is created, it will also load the sample data, and you can proceed to analyze it using Query Editor Version 2.

Analyzing Data Using Query Editor Version 2

  1. After the cluster is created, go to the Query Editor.
  2. Connect to the cluster using temporary credentials.
  3. Navigate through databases, schemas, tables, and more.

Running Queries

  1. Let’s view the definition and sample data of the “category” table.
  2. Run a query to display data in a grid format.

Visualization with Charts

  1. Analyze the top 5 sellers in San Diego.
  2. Use the chart option in Query Editor to visualize the data.
  3. Select chart types to explore data visually.

Sample Databases and Notebooks

  1. Query Editor Version 2 also comes with sample data options such as ticket, TPCH, and TPCDS.
  2. You can load this data for further exploration and analysis.
  3. The built-in Notebook feature allows you to execute and organize SQL queries.


Amazon Redshift coupled with Query Editor Version 2 provides a powerful platform for analyzing and visualizing data efficiently. In this guide, we walked through the steps of creating a Redshift cluster, loading sample data, and analyzing it using Query Editor Version 2. By using the intuitive interface and visualization capabilities, you can gain insights from your data with ease.

If you’re new to Amazon Redshift and Query Editor Version 2, take some time to explore and experiment with the features. As you become more familiar, you’ll be able to leverage these tools to uncover meaningful insights and make data-driven decisions. Enjoy your journey of data exploration and analysis with AWS!

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