Efficient AWS Resource Cleanup: A Guide to Find and Delete Resources

Have you ever been caught off guard by unexpected charges on your AWS bill? It happens to the best of us. In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through two practical methods to discover and eliminate all the resources running in your AWS environment. While we might not have an “Easy Delete All” button, these techniques will ensure you have full control over your resources.

The Constant Struggle: Unwanted AWS Charges

Don’t worry if you’ve found yourself in a situation where you thought you’d deleted all your resources, only to encounter a surprise bill at the end of the month. It’s a common scenario. But today, we’re going to empower you with the knowledge to avoid those unpleasant surprises.

Method 1: Utilizing AWS Cost Explorer

Step 1: Accessing Cost Explorer

  1. Log into your AWS Console.
  2. Locate the “Cost Explorer” feature. You can either click the “View Cost Explorer” button or find it under the “Cost Management” section.

Step 2: Filtering and Grouping

  1. Apply filters to exclude any unwanted charges. For example, you might want to exclude credits if you’re using them.
  2. Use grouping options to get a clear breakdown of your expenses, whether by service, region, or any other criterion that suits your analysis.

Step 3: Dive into Details

Explore daily views, drill into specific services or regions, and navigate through detailed breakdowns. This will give you a comprehensive understanding of your expenditure.

Step 4: Taking Action

After identifying the resource(s) you want to address, navigate to the corresponding AWS service console, and make adjustments. This can involve shutting down or terminating resources to minimize costs.

Method 2: Leveraging AWS Tag Editor

Step 1: Accessing the Tag Editor

  1. In your AWS Console, go to “Resource Groups” and select “Tag Editor.”

Step 2: Filtering Resources

  1. Choose your region (consider selecting “All Regions” to avoid missing resources in different regions).
  2. Filter for specific resource types or services you’re interested in. This refines the results to resources you are more likely to be charged for.

Step 3: Review and Action

  1. Scroll through the results and identify resources that you want to address.
  2. Open each resource in a new tab to take relevant actions, such as shutting down or terminating instances, deleting buckets, or managing other resources.

Conclusion: Taking Control of Your AWS Resources

While there might not be a one-click solution to delete everything, armed with these methods, you’ll be equipped to identify, manage, and eliminate resources that might be incurring charges. Keep your AWS environment optimized and cost-effective by periodically employing these resource management techniques.

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