DevOps roadmap for beginner 2023

Navigate the DevOps landscape with our 2023 beginner’s roadmap. Learn key concepts, tools, and best practices for successful implementation.


DevOps represents a fusion of Software Development (Dev) and IT Operations (Ops) practices. This fusion speeds up software delivery while maintaining high quality. Its core aims are enhanced communication, collaboration, and integration between these teams to oversee the software development lifecycle.

While the DevOps roadmap might appear complex, it’s fundamentally straightforward. Though pursuing substantial goals can be overwhelming, breaking down the journey into distinct stages presents its own challenge. 

The extensive DevOps roadmap encompasses a wide array of concepts within the realm of software development. This comprehensive scope is due to the fact that DevOps oversees the complete spectrum of activities involved in software creation and maintenance, encompassing the entire technological architecture from development to operations. 

As we embark on this exploration together, our focus will primarily center on the central pathway, delving deeply into each sequential phase of the roadmap.

Understand DevOps Culture

To embark on the path of a DevOps engineer, your initial step must be immersing in the essence of DevOps culture. This entails diverse teams harmonizing efforts toward a shared objective, fostering an environment devoid of finger-pointing and blame.

For instance, adopting the role of a devops engineer involves replacing the refrain of “It’s not my job” with “Let me explore how I can assist.” Your manner of response significantly influences collaborative dynamics – not to be mistaken for assuming others’ responsibilities.

For fresh grads, embracing this vibe can be tough sans real-world exposure. My tip? Nail core IT basics (OS, Networking, Programming), then delve into cloud and DevOps tools.

Heads up, leaders! Prioritize DevOps culture mentorship pre-toolkit dive. It squashes team confusion, ditches the “DevOps Team” trap, and demolishes silos.

Embrace truth, dodge blame-games. Issues demand teamwork, not finger-wagging. Cue in the blameless postmortems. Once DevOps culture clicks, you won’t peg CI/CD and automation as DevOps gospel. It’s the epic beginning, fellow DevOps voyager! 

Who is a DevOps Engineer?

You’ve cracked the code of DevOps! But here’s the exciting twist – ever wondered what to call these modern magicians? Meet DevOps Engineers!

Picture this: organizations diving into the DevOps universe seek dynamic individuals who dance through collaboration, embrace change, and embrace cutting-edge tech and methods. Enter the DevOps Engineer.

A DevOps Engineer orchestrates the symphony of DevOps practices, ensuring the seamless flow of deployment. Think of them as the maestros of:

  • Unleashing CI/CD wizardry.
  • Conjuring automation spells for infrastructure.
  • Jamming alongside SDE rockstars and IT ops legends.
  • Keeping software apps shining like stars.
  • Resolving tech hiccups like fearless troubleshooters.

But wait, there’s more enchantment! DevOps wizards also wave their automation wands, banishing repetitive tasks and summoning extra time for innovation.

Now, the thrilling finale – the treasure! The average DevOps conjurer collects a bewitching 9-10 LPA, soaring up to 20 LPA. For the grand sorcerers, senior DevOps Engineers, the spellbinding range is 16-18 LPA, possibly soaring beyond 35 Lakhs per year.

DevOps roadmap for beginner 2023

In the current IT job market, choosing a path in DevOps presents IT experts with a compelling opportunity for both competitive salaries and significant career advancement.

Step 01: Learn Linux 

We’re in an age where the indispensability of Linux/Unix systems is undeniable. Acquiring a comprehensive grasp and practical familiarity with diverse Linux distributions, widely employed by enterprises (like RHEL, Centos, Ubuntu, CoreOS, etc.), becomes imperative.

For those venturing into the world of DevOps, the command-line interface becomes an essential tool. Thus, a profound understanding of command-line-based Operating Systems, with a primary focus on Linux, becomes an invaluable asset.

Highlighting the significance, The Linux Foundation’s research reveals a staggering fact: 90% of public cloud workloads are powered by Linux.

Linux, an open-source operating system, serves as a cornerstone for enabling collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement in both Software Development and IT Operations. The primary motivations to delve into Linux expertise encompass:

  • Its ubiquitous presence within DevOps environments.
  • Its central role in scripting and automation.
  • The ability to deploy Linux servers through platforms like VirtualBox with Vagrant or major cloud providers such as AWS, GCP, and Azure.

To embark on this journey, start by:

  • Navigating the Linux booting process.
  • Delving into systemd.
  • Installing and configuring web servers (such as Apache, Nginx, Tomcat), grasping their workings.
  • Understanding Linux processes.
  • Unveiling the intricacies of SSH.
  • Exploring diverse file systems.
  • Grasping the workings of Linux volumes.
  • Immersing in system logging, monitoring, and troubleshooting.
  • Familiarizing yourself with crucial protocols (SSL, TLS, TCP, UDP, FTP, SFTP, SCP, SSH).
  • Mastering service management, and attempting to create your own service (Initd, Systemd).
  • Hosting static/dynamic websites on web servers, experimenting with different configurations.
  • Discerning the distinction between a Load Balancer and a Reverse Proxy.
  • Setting up Load balancers & Reverse Proxy (Nginx, HA proxy, etc.), comprehending each configuration and underlying load balancing algorithms.
  • Gaining expertise in optimizing Linux performance.
  • Establishing and managing databases (e.g., PostgreSQL Setup), comprehending their configurations.
  • Embracing a fearless approach to learning – break things and become adept at troubleshooting.

In this Linux-driven epoch, seizing this knowledge arsenal equips you for a transformative journey in the IT landscape.

Step 02: Learn Programming Language/ Scripting

Scripting skills are a must for a DevOps Engineer. Nowadays, most reputable companies include a preliminary scripting/coding round in their DevOps interviews.

In one way or another, you’ll find yourself employing programs and scripts in the CI/CD workflow. Familiarize yourself with these commonly used scripting languages:

  • Bash/Shell
  • Python
  • Golang

To truly embody the role of a DevOps engineer, a solid understanding of the Developers’ realm is vital. This entails grasping the mechanics of a typical development process.

Hence, cultivating a sound comprehension of programming, APIs, and the like is essential. This proficiency will enhance your troubleshooting abilities and facilitate more effective collaboration. Plus, a grasp of APIs is a fundamental stepping stone towards mastering Kubernetes.

My advice? Select a programming language and construct an application from the ground up. 

Through application development, you’ll gain insights into the intricate process and components integral to software creation. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll engage more meaningfully with developers and contribute substantially to discussions.

Moreover, it’s worth noting that, in today’s landscape, virtually everything is treated as code. While automation tools abound, custom functionalities sometimes necessitate coding/scripting. It’s a versatile skill set that proves invaluable in achieving tailored functionalities.

Golang is rapidly gaining traction in the DevOps domain, with many DevOps tools being developed using this language. Notably, Kubernetes and Terraform are both Go projects.

Selecting a language might seem daunting, yet for those launching a career in the IT industry, it’s advisable to adopt any programming language as a foundational skill, enabling seamless transition to the software sector.

In our DevOps learning journey, we’ll proceed by focusing on one of two languages: Python or Go. Both languages boast user-friendly syntax and hold substantial potential for the future.

So, let’s explore the pivotal topics that will equip you with a robust command over a programming language.

Step 03: Study Operating Systems 

As we progress further on this journey, it becomes essential to establish a strong foundation. Since you’ll be working directly with software systems, a robust grasp of Operating Systems (OS) and their core principles is paramount. Numerous factors underscore the importance of learning OS concepts:

  • Gaining insight into system architecture.
  • Facilitating automation and configuration management.
  • Enhancing troubleshooting and debugging skills.
  • Implementing top-tier security measures.

Operating systems serve as a pivotal element within the DevOps technology stack. They not only power the local machines crucial for team communication and task completion, but also drive the servers hosting the team’s deployed applications.

Consequently, mastering the command line terminal is a necessity, liberating you from reliance on the graphical user interface (GUI) for server configuration. 

The command line simplifies tasks that might require multiple clicks in a GUI, and certain commands are exclusively executable through the terminal. Given the diversity of each OS, becoming acquainted with multiple systems is a prudent choice.

Notable OSs to consider learning encompass:

  • Linux (highly recommended)
  • Unix
  • Windows

Expanding your horizon to encompass broader strategies and governing principles that shape the construction and operation of OSs is equally crucial. As a DevOps engineer, balancing technical prowess with conceptual understanding is of paramount importance.

Key OS concepts to embrace comprise:

  • Process Management
  • Sockets
  • Threads and Concurrency

In summary, a solid grip on OS fundamentals serves as a bedrock for your DevOps journey, enabling seamless navigation through the intricate terrain of software systems.

Step 04: Utilize tools for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD).

Once you’ve solidified your grasp on version control systems, venture into the realm of continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD). CI/CD represents a collection of practices that empower engineers to automatically build, test, and deploy their code. This dynamic approach accelerates development cycles and curtails the risk of errors.

At the core of DevOps lies the pivotal principle of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD). This embodies the fusion of development and operations, fostering an environment of perpetual iterations. 

To bring this ethos to life, DevOps teams often turn to specialized tools tailored to support the DevOps lifecycle. These CI/CD tools seamlessly span various phases of the development pipeline, orchestrating automation and easing handoffs to unburden team members.

Essential CI/CD tools to master include:

  • GitHub
  • GitLab
  • Bamboo
  • Jenkins

At the heart of DevOps processes lies the CI/CD pipeline, interlinking all these facets. It extends beyond mere deployment into the final environment; rather, it erects multiple guardians along the path. These sentinels meticulously scrutinize the code before granting passage, ensuring it undergoes a series of checks, safeguarding against human errors.

The DevOps CI/CD pipeline choreographs:

  • Rigorous code testing
  • Comprehensive packaging
  • Deployment to the ultimate environment for end-user delivery

Now, who are these vigilant gatekeepers? They encompass a spectrum, from assessing code quality and logic to preserving the integrity of existing code, probing for security vulnerabilities, and confirming functional coherence. These safeguards collectively fortify the software delivery process.

Mastery of tools to establish and manage this holistic CI/CD pipeline, complete with its sentinel checks, constitutes an invaluable skill set. But the true power lies in integrating these tools seamlessly with other technologies, a pivotal facet in testing and deploying code effectively. 

This synthesis is the linchpin of successful DevOps orchestration.

Step 05: Study Docker

Having absorbed a wealth of knowledge from the ground up, it’s now time to acquaint yourself with a cornerstone tool for DevOps practitioners: Docker. This open-source containerization platform empowers developers to encapsulate software applications and their dependencies within compact containers. Docker has seamlessly woven itself into the fabric of the DevOps landscape, thanks to its manifold advantages:

  • Portability and enhanced flexibility.
  • Exceptional scalability and resource efficiency.
  • Facilitation of collaborative development.
  • Ensuring steadfast consistency.

Outlined below are a comprehensive array of topics encompassing Docker, offering you an in-depth exploration:

  • Docker Introduction
  • Docker Installation
  • Mastering Docker Commands
  • Navigating Docker Images
  • Unleashing the Power of Docker Compose
  • Diving into Docker Engine and Storage
  • Embracing Docker Registry
  • Proficiency in Docker Containers and Effective Management
  • Embarking on Docker Swarm

Through this comprehensive journey, you’ll delve into Docker’s intricacies, equipping yourself to harness its transformative capabilities to their fullest extent.

Step 06: Learn Infrastructure as code 

Moving forward, delve into the realm of infrastructure as code (IaC). IaC involves managing infrastructure, such as servers and networks, through code, rather than relying on manual deployment and configuration. 

This approach streamlines the automation of infrastructure deployment, simplifying the process of deploying and scaling applications.

But in the realm of DevOps, automation doesn’t stop there. We extend automation to tasks that aren’t repeated with each code change deployment, yet still offer remarkable efficiency benefits. 

For example, provisioning infrastructure or setting up a Kubernetes cluster may not be frequent occurrences, but they too are automated in the DevOps philosophy. Why? The goal is to swiftly replicate deployment environments if issues arise or when multiple staging environments are necessary, such as DEV, TEST, and PRODUCTION.

Embracing code over manual scripts confers several merits:

  • Cultivating teamwork in configuring infrastructure.
  • Documenting infrastructure changes effectively.
  • Ensuring transparency in the state of infrastructure.
  • Centralizing accessibility to information, as opposed to fragmented scripts residing on various team members’ local machines.

This concept of treating infrastructure as code aligns seamlessly with the broader DevOps drive towards comprehensive workflow automation, enhancing overall efficiency.

Essential IaC strategies to master encompass:

  • Containers
  • Configuration Management
  • Container Orchestration
  • Infrastructure Provisioning

Embarking on the exploration of these IaC strategies will unveil the transformative potential of automated workflows, contributing to a more streamlined and efficient operational landscape.

Step 07: Invest in Monitoring and Observability

Lastly, let’s explore the crucial domain of monitoring and observability. These practices entail the use of tools and methodologies to track the performance and overall health of your applications and underlying infrastructure. This enables rapid identification and resolution of any emerging issues.

However, let’s acknowledge that even with the most meticulous precautions and exhaustive testing, achieving an absolute 100% scrutiny of every deployment aspect is unrealistic. 

This is why, despite our best endeavors, bugs can surface in the production environment. Yet, this is acceptable, provided we have a well-defined plan for managing these bugs or issues as they manifest in the production arena.

Thus, a fundamental facet of the DevOps skillset involves establishing a systematic process for addressing identified issues in production, rather than resorting to panic mode. So, what precisely does this skillset encompass? It’s encapsulated in the concept of “monitoring and observability.”

Monitoring entails the practice of vigilantly watching for indications of trouble in both your application and its underlying infrastructure. This vigilance empowers your operations team to rectify issues before they escalate into full-blown outages. The practice of monitoring can be bifurcated into two key domains: application and infrastructure.

Application Monitoring: Navigating internal application issues necessitates a multifaceted approach. For instance, a drop in the form conversion rate could signify a malfunctioning signup process. 

Robust monitoring tools should be adept at flagging errors originating within the code during signup requests, while also tracking the conversion rate. This comprehensive approach ensures that issues are detected through multiple layers.
Noteworthy application monitoring tools worth exploring include:

  • Prometheus (highly recommended)
  • Nagios
  • Datadog

Infrastructure Monitoring: Challenges within the supporting infrastructure of your application can wield an impact equivalent to, if not surpassing, that of the application itself. For example, disruptions in your web application’s cloud hosting can lead to user outages during access attempts. 

Monitoring tools diligently scrutinize errors within your application’s stack, while also assessing performance metrics to proactively unearth issues. Swift and well-coordinated responses from your team mitigate the potential impact on user experience.
Prominent infrastructure monitoring tools to acquaint yourself with encompass:

  • New Relic (strongly recommended)
  • Jaeger
  • AppDynamics

During the final phase of CD, or continuous deployment, post the deployment of code changes, the process doesn’t conclude with a simple declaration of “we’re done.” Instead, we closely observe and monitor unfolding events. 

Should a user encounter an error or a crash occur, we proactively address these issues. This vigilant observation persists for hours or days following deployment, ensuring prompt responsiveness to any potential production-related issues.


In the ever-evolving landscape of DevOps, this beginner’s roadmap equips you with vital skills: DevOps culture, version control, CI/CD, infrastructure as code, and monitoring. Navigate confidently, embracing innovation and collaboration, as you embark on an exciting journey into the world of DevOps in 2023 and beyond.

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