Building Scalable Blockchain Networks with Amazon Managed Blockchain: A Hands-On Guide

Blockchain technology has been transforming industries with its ability to create secure, transparent, and decentralized networks. With Amazon Managed Blockchain, harnessing the power of blockchain has become even easier. Let’s dive into how Amazon Managed Blockchain allows you to effortlessly create and manage scalable blockchain networks, while also exploring its key features and use cases.

Amazon Managed Blockchain: An Overview

Amazon Managed Blockchain operates on the technology of Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB). It offers a simple and efficient way to create, manage, and scale blockchain networks. Currently, it provides two choices of networks: Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum (still in development).

Key Features:

  • Hyperledger Fabric Network: Create a permissioned blockchain network with access control features.
  • Integration with AWS Analytics: Send blockchain network activity data to AWS Analytics for insights.
  • Use Cases: It finds applications in financial services, supply chain management, and more.

Hands-On: Creating a Hyperledger Fabric Network

  1. Network Configuration: Start by creating a new blockchain network. Select the Hyperledger Fabric 1.2 option.
  2. Network Name: Provide a name for your blockchain network. For example, “Test Blockchain Network.”
  3. Voting Policy: Configure the voting policy for adding or removing users. Define the voting threshold percentage (e.g., 50%) and proposal duration (e.g., 24 hours).
  4. Certificate Authority: Set up the certificate authority for the Hyperledger Fabric network.
  5. Review and Create: Review your network configuration. Ensure that the voting policy and other settings are accurate. Then, initiate the creation of your blockchain network.
  6. Managing Members: After the network is created, you can manage members. Add or remove members using the voting policy you’ve configured.
  7. Proposals: Create proposals to add new members or remove existing ones. Members can vote on these proposals based on the defined voting policy.
  8. Pricing: Keep in mind that Amazon Managed Blockchain is not free. You pay on an hourly basis, which includes membership rates, on-demand peer node pricing, storage rates, and data written charges. Ensure to manage and delete networks after use to avoid unnecessary costs.

Use Cases and Benefits

Amazon Managed Blockchain can be applied to various industries and scenarios, including:

  • Financial Services: Facilitate secure transactions, settlements, and audit trails.
  • Supply Chain Management: Enable transparent and traceable supply chain processes.
  • Healthcare: Enhance interoperability and security of medical records.


  • Simplicity: Easily create and manage blockchain networks without complex setups.
  • Scalability: Scale your blockchain network as your business grows.
  • Security: Leverage the inherent security features of blockchain technology.


Amazon Managed Blockchain provides a straightforward way to create, manage, and scale blockchain networks using the power of Hyperledger Fabric and other technologies. Its integration with AWS Analytics enhances data-driven decision-making. By exploring the hands-on process of creating a blockchain network, you can unleash the potential of blockchain technology to revolutionize your industry.

As you delve into this technology, remember that while Amazon Managed Blockchain offers a convenient solution, costs can accumulate over time. Thus, it’s essential to manage your networks prudently and delete them when they are no longer needed. With this knowledge, you’re ready to embark on your journey of building secure and scalable blockchain networks with Amazon Managed Blockchain.

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