Building a Real-Time Streaming Application with Amazon Kinesis: A Hands-On Lab

Welcome to another AWS Hands-On tutorial! In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of building a real-time streaming application using Amazon Kinesis data streams. Amazon Kinesis enables you to capture, store, and process real-time data from various sources. Our application will focus on creating an order processing system with different components working together seamlessly. Let’s dive in and get started!

Overview of the Application

Our real-time streaming application consists of several components:

  1. React Application (Frontend): A simple React app that collects order information and communicates with the backend.
  2. API Gateway: Exposes RESTful APIs for communication between the frontend and backend services.
  3. Lambda Functions: AWS Lambda functions for processing products and orders, interacting with DynamoDB, and sending emails using Amazon SES.
  4. Amazon DynamoDB: Stores product and order information.
  5. Amazon Kinesis Data Streams: Captures and stores data in real-time.
  6. Amazon Simple Email Service (SES): Sends order confirmation emails to customers.

Step-by-Step Hands-On Lab

1. Setting Up Infrastructure:

  • Create an IAM Role: Create an IAM role for Lambda functions with necessary permissions for CloudWatch, DynamoDB, Kinesis, and SES.
  • Create a DynamoDB Table: Create a DynamoDB table to store product and order information.
  • Create an Amazon SES Identity: Create an identity in Amazon SES for sending and receiving emails.
  • Create an Amazon Kinesis Data Stream: Set up a Kinesis data stream for real-time data ingestion.

2. Frontend Development:

  • React Application: Build a simple React app that collects order information, selects products, and communicates with the backend.

3. Backend Development:

  • Products API (Lambda Function): Create a Lambda function that handles fetching product data and saving new products to DynamoDB.
  • Orders API (Lambda Function): Build another Lambda function that processes incoming order data, stores it in DynamoDB, and streams it to Kinesis.
  • Shipping Consumer (Lambda Function): Develop a Lambda function that receives Kinesis data and updates product quantities in DynamoDB.
  • Email Consumer (Lambda Function): Create a Lambda function that reads Kinesis data and sends order confirmation emails using Amazon SES.

4. Integrating Components:

  • API Gateway: Set up API Gateway to expose RESTful endpoints for the frontend to interact with the backend Lambda functions.
  • Lambda Triggers: Configure Kinesis data stream triggers for the Lambda functions that consume streaming data.
  • Static Website Hosting: Deploy the React app to an S3 bucket and enable static website hosting.

5. Testing and Verification:

  • Testing with Postman: Use Postman to test the API endpoints and confirm that data is being processed correctly.
  • Logging and Monitoring: Monitor Lambda function logs in CloudWatch to ensure data is being processed as expected.

6. Verification and Usage:

  • Review Email and Database: Check your email for order confirmation messages sent by the Email Consumer Lambda function. Verify that product quantities are updated in DynamoDB by the Shipping Consumer Lambda function.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully built a real-time streaming application using Amazon Kinesis and various AWS services. This hands-on lab has provided you with practical experience in setting up infrastructure, developing frontend and backend components, integrating AWS services, and monitoring the application’s behavior. By following this guide, you’ve gained valuable insights into building real-time applications that can capture and process data in real time, paving the way for more advanced applications and scenarios in the future.

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