AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS): Strengthening Your AWS Workloads Through Chaos Engineering


In the world of cloud computing, ensuring the reliability and resilience of your applications is paramount. The AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS) is a powerful tool designed to help you strengthen your AWS workloads by conducting controlled fault injection experiments. This approach is rooted in the principles of Chaos Engineering, where the goal is to intentionally introduce disruptive events and observe how your application stack responds. In this article, we will explore the concept of FIS, its benefits, and how you can use it to uncover hidden bugs and performance bottlenecks in your AWS workloads.

Chaos Engineering and Its Purpose

Before delving into AWS FIS, let’s briefly discuss Chaos Engineering and its underlying philosophy. Chaos Engineering is a discipline that aims to proactively identify weaknesses in your systems by simulating real-world disruptions. By intentionally creating chaos within your infrastructure, you can assess how your applications respond to adverse conditions.

The primary purpose of Chaos Engineering is to:

  1. Enhance Resilience: Stress-testing your applications under various failure scenarios helps you identify vulnerabilities and make necessary improvements to ensure they can withstand unexpected challenges.
  2. Uncover Hidden Issues: Chaos Engineering allows you to uncover latent bugs and performance bottlenecks that may not be apparent under normal operating conditions.
  3. Improve Reliability: By identifying weaknesses and addressing them, you can enhance the overall reliability of your applications, reducing the likelihood of downtime and customer impact.

AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS)

AWS FIS is AWS’s answer to Chaos Engineering. It provides a platform for running fault injection experiments on your AWS workloads. These experiments aim to mimic disruptive events that could occur in a real-world scenario, such as CPU spikes, memory exhaustion, database failures, and more.

Here’s how AWS FIS works:

  1. Creating Experiments: You start by using FIS to create experiments. These experiments are designed to generate specific disruptions in your AWS resources. FIS offers pre-built templates that you can use to define the nature of these disruptions.
  2. Resource Disruptions: You choose which AWS resources will be impacted by the experiment. For example, you can target EC2 instances, ECS clusters, RDS databases, and more.
  3. Running Experiments: Once you’ve defined the experiment parameters, you initiate the experiment. This action triggers the disruptions in your selected resources.
  4. Monitoring and Observing: During the experiment, you closely monitor the behavior of your application stack. You can use AWS CloudWatch, EventBridge, AWS X-Ray, or other monitoring tools to observe how your resources and applications react to the disruptions.
  5. Analyzing Results: After the experiment concludes, you review the results. Did your application experience any performance issues? Were there observability challenges or resiliency concerns? Analyzing the results helps you pinpoint areas that require improvement.

Supported AWS Services

AWS FIS supports various AWS services for conducting fault injection experiments. While the list of supported services may evolve over time, here are some of the services currently compatible with FIS:

  • Amazon EC2: Terminate EC2 instances to assess your application’s response.
  • Amazon ECS: Simulate disruptions by stopping ECS tasks.
  • Amazon EKS: Test the resilience of your Kubernetes tasks by inducing failures.
  • Amazon RDS: Create failures within your RDS database to evaluate its robustness.

Benefits of AWS FIS

  • Enhanced Reliability: FIS enables you to identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities in your AWS workloads, allowing you to enhance the reliability of your applications.
  • Cost Savings: By uncovering hidden issues and optimizing your architecture, you can potentially reduce operational costs and prevent costly downtime.
  • Improved Customer Experience: A more resilient application leads to improved customer experiences, as users encounter fewer disruptions and downtime.


AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS) is an advanced monitoring and debugging tool that brings the principles of Chaos Engineering to your AWS workloads. By intentionally introducing controlled disruptions, you can assess your application’s resilience, uncover hidden bugs, and optimize performance. FIS is a valuable addition to the AWS ecosystem, helping organizations build more reliable and robust cloud-based solutions. Embracing FIS demonstrates a commitment to the highest standards of application reliability and customer satisfaction in the dynamic world of cloud computing.

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