A Comprehensive Tutorial for Oculus Quest Development in Unity


Oculus Quest, the remarkable standalone VR headset, offers an exciting platform for developers to create immersive experiences. In this comprehensive tutorial, we will guide you through the process of setting up your development environment, configuring Unity, and embarking on your journey into Oculus Quest development.


Before we dive into the world of Oculus Quest development, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  1. Unity Installation: To begin, you will need Unity installed on your system. For Oculus Quest development, it’s recommended to use Unity versions 2017.4, 2018.4, or 2019.1.2f1 or greater. These versions are optimized for VR development.
  2. Android Build Support: Oculus Quest runs on Android, so you must have Android build support installed in Unity. This enables Unity to build applications for the Android platform.
  3. Android SDK and NDK Tools: The Android Software Development Kit (SDK) and Native Development Kit (NDK) are essential tools for Oculus Quest development. These tools enable Unity to communicate with the Android-based Oculus Quest platform.
  4. Oculus Integration Package: Oculus provides an integration package that streamlines Oculus Quest development. This package includes essential tools, assets, and scripts, making your development process more efficient.
  5. Luminous Magic Leap Development (Optional): If you plan on developing for Magic Leap’s AR platform as well, you may want to install the relevant components for that platform.

Now that you have these prerequisites in place, let’s proceed with the tutorial.

Setting Up Unity

  1. Creating a New Unity Project: Launch Unity and create a new project. Choose a name that reflects your project’s purpose. For this tutorial, we’ll call it “OculusQuestDevelopmentTutorial.”
  2. Accessing the Oculus Integration Package: The Oculus Integration package is crucial for Oculus Quest development. You can find it in the Unity Asset Store. Search for “Oculus Integration” and import it into your project.
  • In Unity, navigate to the Asset Store.
  • Search for “Oculus Integration.”
  • Import the “Oculus Integration” package into your project. Unity will take care of the installation process, which might take a few seconds.

Configuring Build Settings

To ensure your Unity project is correctly configured for Oculus Quest development, follow these steps:

  1. Open Build Settings: Go to “File” and select “Build Settings.”
  2. Player Settings: Click on “Player Settings.”
  3. Android Tab: Under the Android tab, make the following adjustments:
  • Check “Virtual Reality Supported” to enable Unity’s VR capabilities recognition .
  • Add the Oculus SDK by clicking the “+” button and selecting “Oculus.” This step is essential for Oculus Quest integration.
  • Remove the Vulkan graphics API and keep only “OpenGL ES 3.” This ensures compatibility.
  1. Company Name, Project Name, and Version: Customize these settings to identify your project.
  2. Package Name: Adjust the package name to make it unique and relevant to your project.
  3. Texture Compression: Set the texture compression to “ETC2.” This choice is recommended by Unity and Oculus for optimal performance on the Oculus Quest.

Testing on Oculus Quest

With Unity properly configured, you can now build and test your application on the Oculus Quest:

  1. Connect the Oculus Quest: Connect your Oculus Quest to your computer using a USB-C cable. Ensure that you’ve enabled Developer Mode on your Oculus Quest.
  2. Select Oculus Quest as the Build Target: In Build Settings, choose “Android” as the platform and select “STC (Split Application Binary)” for texture compression.
  3. Build and Run: Once your Oculus Quest is recognized as a connected device, you can select it in the Build Settings. Click “Build and Run” to compile your Unity project for the Oculus Quest.

Your project will be deployed to the Oculus Quest, allowing you to test it on the device itself.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully set up your Unity environment for Oculus Quest development. By integrating the Oculus Integration package, configuring your build settings, and testing your project on the Oculus Quest, you’ve taken the first step into the exciting world of VR development.

This tutorial provides a solid foundation for Oculus Quest development. If you have questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to ask. Additionally, explore the wealth of resources available through Oculus and consider joining the Oculus developer community for further support and guidance. Your journey into the immersive world of Oculus Quest development has just begun!

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