Top Shopify Apps You NEED TO Use in 2024 ($412,000 ON App)

This app alone made me $412,000. In this video, I’ll show you the apps that are absolutely crucial if you want to hit six-figure months. I have personally used all of these apps, and I’m telling you, they are LIFE CHANGING. After putting so much time and effort into your Shopify store and your advertisements, you want to get the most value and margin possible. Plus, you don’t want to end up with zero sales. These apps will not only generate sales but also increase your MARGINS. I hope this is what you’re looking for. 


One of the most important apps that I talk about all the time is an upsell app. Now, if you’ve ever been to a supermarket and you’re in the checkout line, they usually have upsells. You might not know this, but they’ve got all the candy, magazines, and gum right at the checkout so you might make a couple of extra purchases as you’re leaving the store.

This is obviously an added bit of revenue for these grocery stores, and you can do the exact same thing in your online business. When your customer buys a product, having a really good upsell that complements the product is going to increase your average order value and completely decrease your ad cost. I say this all the time about how important upsells are.

When your customer buys a product, having a really good upsell that complements the product is going to increase your average order value and completely decrease your add cost. I say this all the time about how important upsells are.

The example is if you are paying Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok to advertise and a customer has the intent to purchase, they’re going to purchase something from your website. Why would you just sell them one product? Why not sell them two, three, or four products? That way, the $10 cost per purchase really goes down because you’re selling them four products. Plus, you can ship them all together, and your margins are going to skyrocket. 

There are a ton of different upsell apps out there. The one that I like to use is Booster Apps. It’s built into the cart, making it a lot easier. It integrates directly into your Shopify theme, and they make it super easy to set up. This app alone, as I mentioned earlier, generated over $400,000 in extra revenue for me. Imagine if I did not have upsells on my website—I would be missing out on $412,000. You don’t have to use the exact same upsell app that I’m using; there are plenty out there on the Shopify App Store.

All you have to do is go on the App Store, type in “Upsell apps,” and you will find a ton of different ones.

You just have to figure out which one works the best with your theme and integrates nicely. A lot of them are free or offer free trials, and they are pretty cheap. The one I pay for, I think, is $20.

The key to a good upsell is having a perfect complementary product. You want to make the customer feel it’s a great deal—it’s 25% off, it’s extra, but it complements the product perfectly. This does require a lot of testing to see which products work best as an upsell, but it’s definitely worth it.

A good example is this Bleam website right here. If we click on “Shop Now,” let’s just see what they’re going to upsell us.

Let’s buy one pack. We’re going to click “Buy Now.” By the way, this product is a hair removal product, so it’s kind of in the beauty tools niche and focuses on improving your overall well-being beauty-wise.

It’s going to open up the cart on the right side, and you can see that they have a special offer, which is their upsell. It’s a gua sha facial set, and they’re selling it for $39. You just click one button, it adds it to the cart, and you’re ready to check out now for $78 instead of $39. This is a good complementary product. It’s in that beauty healthcare type of niche. You want to give yourself a full spa day; here you go, you’ve got everything that you need right here. I’d probably word that a little bit better and say the special offer is like having a beauty spa day at home, but you get the point.


The second type of app that I really, really recommend you have on your Shopify store is a page builder. The most common one out there is probably PageFly. What you can do on it is build a fully custom landing page that’s kind of outside your Shopify theme. It involves no code and integrates perfectly with Shopify, so it’s super easy to set up. 

It’s really going to make your website pop, and all those features that you see on websites where you think, “How did they do that? How did they add that in there?”—it’s most likely a page builder. It’s also really going to allow you to brand your website.

Most people create websites that look like this: it’s all based on the Shopify theme, super boring, very stereotypical type of setup, nothing special about it. 

It really just reminds me of a 2016 dropshipping store. What a page builder like PageFly will allow you to do is build out a website like this.

You can just tell that this is night and day different. We’ve got scrolling moving pieces, custom centering (or decentering) of pictures and text, and everything flows extremely nicely. It just looks like a really branded and modern website. In this day and age, having a page builder is vital in 2023 moving into 2024 to take your e-commerce store to the next level, look extremely branded, and get a higher conversion rate overall.

I’ll show you PageFly in general. This is their website. You can try it out for free. Again, there are a bunch of other page builders out there, like Shogun and PageFly. Those are kind of the most popular ones.

But overall, if you’re looking for your website to pop more and make more sales, I really recommend using a page builder. 


Moving on to the next app that ties into a page builder a little bit. Sometimes, it’s really hard to build out your  website. You can’t come up with product descriptions, some marketing angles for your website, maybe your brand voice or brand identity, and maybe even your ideal customer. It’s hard to come up with all that stuff, especially if you’re not creative like me. 

That’s why I highly recommend having Dropout AI at your assistance at all times. My team and I actually created the software—just wanted to put that out there. We saw a big gap in the marketplace for ideation and branding around e-commerce stores in general, so we thought, who better to build one than ourselves.

When you’re coming up with your website, building it out, and you need some marketing angles or product descriptions, but you don’t know how to write them that well, Dropout AI has all e-commerce optimized output. Everything that you can pick on this list here to configure is optimized for e-commerce to give you the best results. 

So, we can put that gua sha set or that jade roller that we saw earlier into the product description here on the left side of Dropout AI. Any additional information that you want to add here, maybe it’s targeting a certain demographic or age, or something simple like reducing skin irritation and redness after taking off makeup.

Let’s say we need a brand name, maybe some brand voice, marketing angles, and a product description. You’re just going to select whatever you need and hit generate. On the right side, it’s going to output your generations, so all of your product descriptions that you need, all of your marketing angles, your brand voice, and brand names like “Glowy Skin” or “Sooth.” If you don’t like any of them, all you have to do is click Regenerate, and it’s going to come up with more.

This makes it so easy to test different marketing angles and come up with UGC scripts or advertisement ideas. That way, you can spend less time just sitting there, twiddling your thumbs, trying to think of what you need to say in your advertisement, and actually focus on creating that ad itself. It’s going to allow you to test a lot faster and build out a really nicely branded website.


It’s very similar to the upsell app but slightly different. A great app for this is Wide Bundles. There are a bunch of different ones out there that you can use, depending on your budget and how it implements with your theme. What a bundle is, essentially, is selling the same product like an upsell, but it’s just giving you a package deal. 

Going back to that Bleam website we were looking at earlier, we actually saw this on their website. It says “Bundle and Save” right here. If you need a pack or a three-pack, you’re getting a much better deal, and they’re really trying to sell you the most popular option, which is the two-pack. This will also help increase your average order value. Maybe you word it in a way that’s like “buy one for you and a friend” or “his and hers,” but having this as an option before checking out is ultimately going to lead to more sales and a higher average order value. 

If you are paying for people to come onto your website, why not sell them as much as you possibly can? There is one major difference between a bundle app and an upsell app. With the upsell app, you can sell a bunch of different products to see what complements the best. With a bundle, it actually has to make sense for your product. 

If you’re going to sell a digital camera, for example, why would you want to buy two? 99% of the time, people are just going to buy one of those. So, you really have to look at your product and figure out if people would actually use more than one. Maybe it would be good to get another one as a gift, but the best products that work well with bundles are ones that are either consumables or it just makes sense to have two of them. So, make sure you ask yourself that question before you set up a bundle. Otherwise, it’s going to take up space on your website for no reason.


Now, the next app that you need to have on your website, especially in today’s day and age with the limited tracking that’s happening on Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram in terms of collecting data from customers and seeing what they actually do on your website, is called Hotjar.

When you have your Facebook ads running, it’s really easy to analyze the results of that ad, right? You can see the cost per link click, you can see the CPMs, but once they click past that advertisement, it’s really hard to see what they’re actually doing on your store. So, what Hotjar does is it records every single interaction when people come onto your website. You’ll see exactly where their mouse is moving, what they’re clicking on, why they dropped off the page, everything that they do once they’re on your website.

Why this is so important is because, in the beginning, you might not know why people are leaving your website.

Maybe a lot of people are clicking on your advertisements, but no one’s purchasing. Maybe no one’s adding to cart. So, once you install Hotjar and you can actually record what people are doing on your website after they click the advertisement, you can then determine the problems that you’re having on your website or what people are being scared off by. That will allow you to make great, educated decisions moving forward about what you need to change on your website. 

Maybe your shipping was too high, and you should have free shipping. Maybe people in different countries can’t check out because you don’t have shipping settings set up. You really just don’t know with Facebook’s metrics. They give you no idea why people are leaving your website. But with an app like Hotjar, you can actually see why people are leaving your website. That way, you have no more excuses and theories about why people are leaving. You know definitively. Watching all the people who check out through your website will really teach you how to build a really nice website. It will completely help you optimize your conversion rate.

I don’t really have any other recommendations besides Hotjar. I know there are some other ones out there, but this one is kind of the biggest and the best. Alright, those are the apps that are completely necessary, in my opinion, to have on your store in 2023, moving into 2024. Don’t start drop shipping and adding a bunch of different apps that you might not need. These are the essential ones that you must have, especially if you want to give drop shipping a full, fair try and also maximize your profits and margins. 

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