How to Test API with Swagger |Third Party Tool

Testing APIs with Swagger involves using Swagger UI, a third-party tool that provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with APIs. We will discuss how to test API with Swagger 

Start the project by click Google Chrome from the top of the screen.

Edit this URL by adding : /swagger

Select Primary Setup -> this frame will be set up for lists -> Click AddRole.

Click yellow frame from Example Value -> we will got “role” frame be filled. 

That ID column is identical so it will increment by default. So we have to pass another three columns like this.

Just lick Try it down.

So the record inserted successfully in the inserted record values displayed here.

You can see the response code 200. This is for success code.

Second thing is for views the record. Click View Role.

Here we are to pass the tenant ID.

Only one record in the table it’s displayed. 

I would like to change this account as super as super admin by Click Update Roll.

Here click example value This is update Roll, I have to pass all the things for IDs 2

ternant ID: 1 ; Role ID 1

And update “RoleDescription”: “SuperAdmin”

Click Try it out ->  Record updated successfully

The role description have been changed to Super Admin.

If you want to delete this record -> Click Delete Role.

Here I can pass only ID and ternent ID when it’s enough to delete the record ID – TernantID – RoleId

Click  “Try it out” botton. The record is deleted like this.

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