How to Create a Shopify Rental Business

Shopify is a flexible platform that allows you to integrate a booking system. And the best part? You can do it with a free Shopify app. So, let’s get started!

How to add a booking feature to your Shopify store 

First, I’ll show you how to add a booking feature to your Shopify store, allowing customers to rent your products.

Now, I’m creating a motorbike rental store! I’ve added products to my store with motorbike images, prices, and descriptions. 

So, here’s my store that offers bike rental services – I’ve named it Speedy Bike Rentals.

To integrate a booking system with a handy calendar, we’re going to install a Shopify app. So, let’s visit the Shopify App Store.

I’m going with the Bookeasy app, which offers a calendar-based booking system. And guess what? It’s free for all Shopify users!

Select your time zone.

 I’m adding my product here to get started. I’m selecting this bike first. Let’s begin by naming our appointment.

Then you Click on Add and select Next.

I’m naming it as a Ducati bike rental. Next, let’s set the rental duration. We set 8 hours for this bike as a default, but you can set your desired duration next. You can also give your customers the option to choose time slots. I’ll set a slot interval of one hour for flexibility. 

Now, the appointment lead time is crucial. It determines how soon customers must book an appointment. I’m going with two days here for the bike rental store

Let’s keep it open to bookings for the next 30 days, so I’ll set that as our limit for example.

You can also set your working hours when you’re available to hand out those bikes for rentals.

Moreover, you can add blackout slots on days when you’re taking a break or any special holidays. Those days won’t be available on the calendar.

In addition, you can get any additional information from the customers by Click on Add Custom.

 Let’s add a section to get customers’ driver’s license numbers for safety purposes.

Once you’ve got everything set up the way you like it, just hit that save button!

Let’s check the changes in the store  by clicking “Book Your Time”.

A calendar pops up with time slots. Customers can select a day to rent a bike and even a convenient time slot. 

Click Next and you will see the additional field that we added to get the customer’s driver’s license number. 

With that, we’ve created a fully functional bike rental business on Shopify! This system is flexible. You can easily adapt it for beauty salons, hospitals, event bookings, or any service that requires a calendar-based appointment system.

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