
SageMaker * CloudFormation

Replace <my-kms-key-id> with the ID of your pre-configured AWS KMS key. To deploy this template using the AWS CLI, you can use the create-stack command: aws cloudformation create-stack –stack-name MySageMakerStack –template-body file://sagemaker-stack.yaml AWS CLI: aws cloudformation deploy–template-file notebook-instance.yaml–stack-name notebook-instance-stack–parameters ParameterKey=InstanceType,ParameterValue=ml.t2.medium ParameterKey=KmsKeyId,ParameterValue=<my-kms-key-id> Boto3: Python Use code with caution. Learn morecontent_copy This code will create a new CloudFormation …

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preventing terminating EC2 by IAM policy

A major incident occurred at our company when the web application we support unexpectedly went down in production. We found that a junior DevOps engineer accidentally terminated the production EC2 instance, causing the disruption. Only Solutions Architects should be able to stop or terminate production instances. We also found that many developers have full access …

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LDAP authenticates

A Seattle call center company’s corporate web portal is deployed on AWS. It uses a LAG to connect to the company’s data center and a VIF in its AWS VPC. The portal authenticates against the company’s on-premises LDAP server. Each S3 bucket is only accessible to logged-in users who own it.


Authenticate usingYour on-premises SAML 2.0- compliant identity provider (IDP)., retrieve temporary credentials withSTS and provide federated access to the AWS consolethrough the AWS single sign-on (SSO) endpoint usingBrowser. How to implement above ?

Mastering AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM): A Comprehensive Overview

IAM, which stands for Identity and Access Management, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the security and control of your AWS resources. What is AWS IAM? At its core, IAM is a web service that empowers AWS users to manage access to various AWS services and resources in a secure manner. It facilitates the authentication …

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Amazon Redshift: Key Features for Data Warehousing in AWS

In this article, we will dive into Amazon Redshift, AWS’s powerful data warehousing solution. You’ll gain insights into what Amazon Redshift is and explore its key features. What is Amazon Redshift? Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehousing service offered by AWS. It’s designed to make data warehousing easy, efficient, and cost-effective in …

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How to Use Global Secondary Indexes for Efficient DynamoDB Queries

If you’ve ventured into the realm of AWS DynamoDB and are curious about Global Secondary Indexes (GSIs), you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll delve into what GSIs are and how they can revolutionize your DynamoDB experience. Understanding DynamoDB Basics Before diving into GSIs, let’s take a quick refresher on DynamoDB itself. DynamoDB …

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Amazon DynamoDB Best Practices: A Guide to Getting the Most Out of the Fully Managed NoSQL Database Service

In this article, we will take a comprehensive look at Amazon DynamoDB, the fully managed NoSQL database service offered by AWS. DynamoDB is a powerful tool for those who seek fast data access, scalability, and high availability without the headache of managing underlying infrastructure. In this article, we will delve into what DynamoDB is and …

Amazon DynamoDB Best Practices: A Guide to Getting the Most Out of the Fully Managed NoSQL Database Service Read More »

Exploring the Array of 12 AWS Certifications: Determining the Perfect Fit for You and Your Team

Decoding AWS Certifications: Find your perfect fit from 12 options. Optimize team skills for cloud success. Get started now! Introduction  Amazon has historically been the trailblazer in the realm of public cloud computing, thanks to its Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform and its relentless commitment to innovation. AWS was a pioneer in offering role-based certifications, …

Exploring the Array of 12 AWS Certifications: Determining the Perfect Fit for You and Your Team Read More »

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